LinkedIn Training

I offer a variety of lively, engaging and value-packed training options for individuals, groups, and companies.  

I get it; you're terrified, intimidated, overwhelmed, or simply just bored by LinkedIn.

You realise the potential for businesses building their brands online, but you don't know where to start.

You want a seasoned pro who won't bombard you with jargon, who's relatable, who explains things simply, provides actionable strategies you (or your team) can use to raise the profile of your business, your service, and yourself, and attract dream clients, without cringing yourself inside out, and without wasting endless hours (that you don't have to spare) doing all the wrong things, as you try to figure it out for yourself.

(That's what I do, by the way)

Here's how I can support you, your company, or your community:

I get it; you're terrified, intimidated, overwhelmed, or simply just bored by LinkedIn. You realise the potential for businesses building their brands online, but you don't know where to start, and you want a seasoned pro who won't bombard you with jargon, who is relatable, with a proven record of professional success on the platform, and who explains things simply, providing actionable strategies you (or your team) can use to raise the profile of your business, your service, and yourself, and attracting dream clients, without cringing yourself inside out, and without wasting endless hours (that you don't have to spare) doing all the wrong things, as you try to figure it out for yourself. 

(That's what I do, by the way) 

Here's a selection of the services I offer for individuals, businesses, or communities: 


I get it; you're terrified, intimidated, overwhelmed, or simply just bored by LinkedIn.

You realise the potential for businesses building their brands online, but you don't know where to start.

You want a seasoned pro who won't bombard you with jargon, who's relatable, who explains things simply, provides actionable strategies you (or your team) can use to raise the profile of your business, your service, and yourself, and attract dream clients, without cringing yourself inside out, and without wasting endless hours (that you don't have to spare) doing all the wrong things, as you try to figure it out for yourself.

(That's what I do, by the way)

Here's how I can support you, your company, or your community: 

LinkedIn Kickstarter Hour - £1,499

A one-hour online session to get your team/community kickstarted into building their brands & growing a powerful professional presence on LinkedIn.

These are designed for people who are not sure where to start, or have made a start but are feeling (understandably) overwhelmed, intimidated, or just a bit clueless about how to make it work effectively for them.

We cover four main areas:

✅ Building a stand-out profile
✅ Algorithm tips & tricks
✅ Finding & connecting with relevant people
✅ Simple & consistent content creation

Every attendee will also receive a FREE copy of my Complete LinkedIn Starter Guide.

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Kickstarter, Gareth John.png__PID:ac0488d7-1ba6-4823-9b73-e896e17a9d82

LinkedIn Kickstarter Hour

A one-hour online session to get your team/membership kickstarted into building their brands & growing a powerful professional presence on LinkedIn.

These are designed for people who are not sure where to start, or have made a start but are feeling (understandably) overwhelmed, intimidated, or just a bit clueless about how to make it work effectively for them.

We cover four main areas:

✅ Building a stand-out profile
✅ Algorithm tips & tricks
✅ Finding & connecting with relevant people
✅ Simple & consistent content creation

Every attendee will also receive a FREE copy of my Complete LinkedIn Starter Guide.

LinkedIn Kickstarter Hour

A one-hour online session to get your team/membership kickstarted into building their brands & growing a powerful professional presence on LinkedIn.

These are designed for people who are not sure where to start, or have made a start but are feeling (understandably) overwhelmed, intimidated, or just a bit clueless about how to make it work effectively for them.

We cover four main areas:

✅ Building a stand-out profile
✅ Algorithm tips & tricks
✅ Finding & connecting with relevant people
✅ Simple & consistent content creation

Every attendee will also receive a FREE copy of my Complete LinkedIn Starter Guide.

Kickstarter, Gareth John.png__PID:ac0488d7-1ba6-4823-9b73-e896e17a9d82BOOKING ENQUIRY

Company Training (online) - £2,999 

A 2-hour Zoom training for companies wanting their teams to get active on LinkedIn. 

We cover 6 main areas:

✅ Building a stand-out profile that enhances their personal brand and your business brand
✅ Leveraging the algorithm so content gets seen, and avoiding bad habits that hurt content reach
✅ Finding, engaging with, connecting and starting conversations with your ideal clients or contacts
✅ Curating your LinkedIn experience so your people don't dread using LinkedIn
✅ Creating content confidently and efficiently without struggling for ideas and inspiration
✅ Forming an ongoing strategy to stay consistent, almost effortlessly

Every attendee will also receive a FREE copy of The Ultimate DIY LinkedIn Profile Guide, Algorithm Do's & Don'ts, 100+ People to Follow & 100+ content ideas for everyone.

These sessions are recorded for you to keep, and for any future team members to watch. 

Company Training, Clare Suttie.png__PID:88d71ba6-9823-4b73-a896-e17a9d82657a
Company online, Emma Freivogel.png__PID:e17a9d82-657a-42b8-9ee5-79ec71c4dd9e

Company Training (online)

A 2-hour Zoom training for companies wanting their teams to get active on LinkedIn. These sessions are recorded for you to keep.

Company Training (online)

A 2-hour Zoom training for companies wanting their teams to get active on LinkedIn. We cover 6 main areas:

✅ Building a stand-out profile that enhances their personal brand and your business brand
✅ Leveraging the algorithm so content gets seen, and avoiding bad habits that hurt content reach
✅ Finding, engaging with, connecting and starting conversations with your ideal clients or contacts
✅ Curating your LinkedIn experience so your people don't dread using LinkedIn
✅ Creating content confidently and efficiently without struggling for ideas and inspiration
✅ Forming an ongoing strategy to stay consistent, almost effortlessly

Every attendee will also receive a FREE copy of The Ultimate DIY LinkedIn Profile Guide, Algorithm Do's & Don'ts, 100+ People to Follow & 100+ content ideas for everyone.

These sessions are recorded for you to keep, and for any future team members to watch.

Company online, Emma Freivogel.png__PID:e17a9d82-657a-42b8-9ee5-79ec71c4dd9eBOOKING ENQUIRY

Company Training (in-person) £3,999 

A 3-4 hour in-person training for companies wanting their teams to get active on LinkedIn. These are my favourite to deliver, and get the best results. The content is similar to the online training, but we have more time to explore questions and ideas, without the distractions of buzzing phones and pinging emails. We cover 6 main areas:

✅ Building a stand-out profile that enhances their personal brand and your business brand
✅ Leveraging the algorithm so content gets seen, and avoiding bad habits that hurt content reach
✅ Finding, engaging with, connecting and starting conversations with your ideal clients or contacts
✅ Curating your LinkedIn experience so your people don't dread using LinkedIn
✅ Creating content confidently and efficiently without struggling for ideas and inspiration
✅ Forming an ongoing strategy to stay consistent, almost effortlessly

Every attendee will also receive a FREE copy of The Ultimate DIY LinkedIn Profile Guide, Algorithm Do's & Don'ts, 100+ People to Follow & 100+ content ideas for everyone.

These sessions can recorded for you to keep, and for any future team members to use, and can be delivered hybrid online/in-person if you have some people working remotely.

Digital Course, Jenni Hill (1).png__PID:98235b73-e896-417a-9d82-657a42b89ee5BOOKING ENQUIRY

Bespoke 1-1 training - from £2,499  

Are you struggling to find your way on LinkedIn, feel confident using it, find your own voice, and bring your authentic, real-life self to the platform to attract the clients you know you can serve the best, and will enjoy working with? I've worked with hundreds of clients 1-1 over the past 4 years, to bring clarity, confidence and consistency to their LinkedIn strategy.

These are one-off 3 hour sessions over Zoom (or in person if you're local to Manchester/willing to travel) where we go through everything you need to know, as well as tackling your mindset and breaking down the blocks that stop you from leveraging LinkedIn for the powerful tool it is.

My availability for these sessions is extremely limited, so please get in touch if you'd like to discuss them further.

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Making LinkedIn Simple video course - £199 

The (kinda) famous course, over 2,432 freelancers, founders, entrepreneurs and solopreneurs have used to:

✅ Generate inbound leads consistently
✅ Build an engaged, authentic audience
✅ Attract speaking, podcast & collab  opportunities

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Company Training (in-person) - £3,999 

A 3-4 hour in-person training for companies wanting their teams to get active on LinkedIn. 

These are my favourite to deliver, and get the best results. The content is similar to the online training, but we have more time to explore questions and ideas, without the distractions of buzzing phones and pinging emails. 

We cover 6 main areas:

✅ Building a stand-out profile that enhances their personal brand and your business brand
✅ Leveraging the algorithm so content gets seen, and avoiding bad habits that hurt content reach
✅ Finding, engaging with, connecting and starting conversations with your ideal clients or contacts
✅ Curating your LinkedIn experience so your people don't dread using LinkedIn
✅ Creating content confidently and efficiently without struggling for ideas and inspiration
✅ Forming an ongoing strategy to stay consistent, almost effortlessly

Every attendee will also receive a FREE copy of The Ultimate DIY LinkedIn Profile Guide, Algorithm Do's & Don'ts, 100+ People to Follow & 100+ content ideas for everyone.

These sessions can recorded for you to keep, and for any future team members to use, and can be delivered hybrid online/in-person if you have some people working remotely. 

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Stephen Jupe, Together Money.png__PID:5b73e896-e17a-4d82-a57a-42b89ee579ec

Bespoke 1-1 training - from £2,499 

Are you struggling to find your way on LinkedIn, feel confident using it, find your own voice, and bring your authentic, real-life self to the platform to attract the clients you know you can serve the best, and will enjoy working with? I've worked with hundreds of clients 1-1 over the past 4 years, to bring clarity, confidence and consistency to their LinkedIn strategy.

These are one-off 3 hour sessions over Zoom (or in person if you're local to Manchester/willing to travel) where we go through everything you need to know, as well as tackling your mindset and breaking down the blocks that stop you from leveraging LinkedIn for the powerful tool it is. 

1-1 clients will also receive a FREE copy of The Ultimate DIY LinkedIn Profile Guide, Algorithm Do's & Don'ts, 100+ People to Follow & 100+ content ideas, plus ongoing access to me via email for any questions or additional support.

My availability for these sessions is extremely limited, so please get in touch if you'd like to discuss them further. 

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1-1 Natalie Fisher.png__PID:e896e17a-9d82-457a-82b8-9ee579ec71c4

Making LinkedIn Simple - £199 

Get cracking on LinkedIn right away with instant access to my video course, regularly updated to reflect changes on LinkedIn, packed with bonus resources, tips and tricks, and in short, concise videos that are easy to follow and quick to implement - we don't do fluff around here. 

makinglinkedinsimple image.webp__PID:daa9035b-4908-412e-84d3-a48b49a74070

Over 2,432 freelancers, founders, entrepreneurs and solopreneurs have used Making LinkedIn Simple to:

✅ Generate inbound leads consistently
✅ Build an engaged, authentic audience
✅ Attract speaking, podcast & collaboration opportunities

Your paragraph text.png__PID:6e919b9d-0299-4bb9-ac04-88d71ba69823
Digital Course, Jenni Hill.png__PID:1ba69823-5b73-4896-a17a-9d82657a42b8
makinglinkedinsimple image.webp__PID:daa9035b-4908-412e-84d3-a48b49a74070

The (kinda) famous video course, over 2,432 freelancers, founders, entrepreneurs and solopreneurs have used to:

✅ Generate inbound leads consistently
✅ Build an engaged, authentic audience
✅ Attract speaking, podcast & collaboration opportunities

Buy now